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Join a Monthly Soda Club!

If there's nothing you love more than receiving an exciting package in the mail, and craft soda, then why not make these things a regular joy, with one of our three monthly soda clubs to choose from? 
Drink The BEST Soda - Every Month!
No Small Print, Contracts, or Obligations
When we mention that you can amend or cancel your club membership at any time... we mean it!
We're a friendly bunch, and we operate this way so that no one is left with a sour taste in their mouth... life can change, we get it!

Root Beer Club

If you're a connoisseur of all things root beer, then look no further!
Each month we'll select 2 brands and ship you 6 bottles of each (12 bottles total). Some of the root beer recipes in this collection date way back to the 1890's - It's like drinking a bottle of sweet root beer history!

Click the IMAGE below to read more!

Soda Samplers Club
This is the real deal for soda lovers that want a diverse range of variety. Each month you'll receive 6 flavors, with 2 bottles of each, totaling 12 bottles.
Click the IMAGE to see what exciting monthly options lay ahead!
Gourmet Soda Club
A special treat for people who love the nostalgic tastes of old-school proper soda. You'll get to enjoy cherished family recipe sodas that have been America's gourmet favorites for over 130 years. 
12 Bottles per month - Find out more below!
Beverages Direct - Classic American Sodas Delivered To Your Home


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